Battery Yield

Battery Yield is a comprehensive service for large megawatt-scale electricity storages, designed to maximize the revenue generated by the company's electricity storages.

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A comprehensive service for maximizing the revenue of large-scale megawatt electricity storages

It's possible to get a return on electricity storage investments with Helen's new Battery Yield service, which is based on Helen's own flexible technology platform.

Battery Yield enables the optimal revenue generation of large megawatt-scale electricity storages in the electricity markets. The operation and trading of the electricity storage are reliably secured in Helen's Control Room 24/7. Trading activities can be transparently tracked in Yritys Helen.

Information about the service

  • Helen operates megawatt-scale electricity storages on behalf of the company through the Battery Yield service, maximizing the revenue from these storages in the electricity markets.
  • Helen's Control Room monitors and ensures the operational status and safe trading of the electricity storages 24/7.
  • Trading and its execution are fully automated on Helen's trading platform, where machine learning algorithms optimize the best possible revenue for each day. The operation and revenue of the electricity storages can be tracked in Yritys Helen.

Benefits and Advantages

  1. Maximizing revenue in the electricity markets
    Battery Yield trading platform's machine learning algorithms are designed to maximize profit in the electricity markets daily.
  2. We ensure the operation of the electricity storage 24/7
    The usability of electricity storage for trading is ensured through remote monitoring, and troubleshooting is carried out in collaboration with the company and its partners when necessary.
  3. Helen's trading platform enables continuous development
    The trading platform of Battery Yield service is the result of Helen's own development efforts, tailored to the customer’s needs. Helen continuously monitors the markets to enhance trading for greater profitability.

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