

A successful energy company, utilising new solutions in order to become carbon-neutral

1. Towards a carbon-neutral future

Our strategic main objective is a CO2 neutral production by 2050. Achieving this goal requires the introduction of new technologies and significant investments. These are promoted through our development programme ”Towards a carbon-neutral future”.

Kohti hiilineutraalia tulevaisuutta

2. Strong and foreseeable profit in the wholesale market

We increase the value of production through utilising combined production and wholesale markets. The basis for optimising combined production is the high usability rate of power plants. Wholesale revenue is improved through an established risk management policy.

3. Securing the competitiveness of district heating 

The core aspect of district heating’s competitive ability is energy-efficient combined production, which makes district heating the best heating solution in the densely constructed urban environment of Helsinki.
The amount of renewable district heating is increased and new solutions are developed for the customers’ different needs. 

As district cooling becomes more popular, a growing share of the buildings’ surplus heat can be recovered and utilised in the production of district heating.

4. We are reinforcing our position in the electricity retail market

We are investing in our high level of customer satisfaction by, for example, offering new additional services to our customers. Online services are developed in a customer-oriented manner, so that they can meet the different expectations and service needs, even better than before.

5. We are developing new energy services

We are expanding our energy-efficient district heating network even further. We are also increasing the services of electric transport and producing new services for monitoring the customer’s energy consumption and making it more efficient. We provide services for the small-scale production of solar power and also prepare for more extensive solar power solutions.

6. Improving our operations

The basis for success is the efficiency and productivity of our operations. We are refining the operational methods of our different sectors to be even more effective and developing our competence to meet the challenges required by our development programme, among others.