For house movers
When you move home, we move with you. Helen offers electricity for your new home easily and reliably. We offer our current and new customers smooth service and valuable benefits.
Are you already our customer? Transfer your old contract when moving!
You can transfer your electricity contract to your new home as such or change the contract type. Choose the contract that suits best your current life situation through the “Update your contract type” link and specify at the end of the order that this concerns a transfer of contract when moving.
Are you a new customer who is planning a move?
We will help you choose the best electricity contract for your new home – easily and quickly. As a customer of Helen, you will receive smooth service and several benefits in addition to the electricity contract. Check out our selection of different electricity contracts and place an order online!
This is how smoothly your move goes with Helen
Choose a contract
Transfer your current contract to your new address or choose an entirely new contract. When moving, you have a lot to remember, so we recommend that you sign the electricity contract one week before the moving day, at the latest.
Carefree moving
If you are moving or renovating, you can keep your Helen electricity contract valid at both your old and new addresses simultaneously.
Monitor your electricity consumption
Electricity consumption in your new home may differ from that of your old home. Monitor your consumption easily through the Oma Helen app.
Also take advantage of other valuable benefits
Free Oma Helen service
In the Oma Helen service, you can get the overview of electricity use in your new home and stay up to date on your energy matters. Oma Helen serves you 24/7 whenever it suits you.
Electricity contract in your old and new homes
You can keep your contract valid for your old and new homes at the same time and for the same contract price, in case you need to renovate the new home or the sale of your old home is still underway, for example. You can have overlapping contracts for a maximum of three months.
Electricity accident insurance
As an electricity-related accident may happen to anyone and any time, all Helen electricity customers get free electricity accident insurance included in the contract.
When you require an electricity contract urgently and need power quickly, call our phone line for movers on 09 617 8020, and your electricity contract can start immediately. The line is open 24/7, in other words we answer your call round the clock every day of the year. A call to the phone line for movers is charged at standard local or mobile network rates.
When you submit a notification of move on our form, you can have power in your new home even on the same day.
For example in Helsinki, Espoo or the Caruna network area, you can start the electricity contract on the same day free of charge. The distribution system operators listed below provide same-day power connection free of charge:
- Helen Electricity Network Ltd
- Caruna
- Espoo Caruna
- Järvi-Suomen Energia
- Kuoreveden Sähkö
- Lehtimäen Sähkö
- Nurmijärven Sähköverkko
- PKS Sähkönsiirto
- Raahen Energia Rauman
- Energia Sähköverkko
- Seiverkot Tenergia
- Tornion Energia
- Vakka-Suomen Voima
- Verkko Korpela
- Vetelin Energia
- Vimpelin Voima
Electricity contracts are specific to addresses. You can have several contracts in force at the same time at different addresses. You may need power at two places, for example if you are renovating your new home, but still living at your old address.
You should arrange your electricity contract for your new home in good time. However, if making the contract got left to the last minute, call Helen's phone line for movers on 09-617 8020 and we will organise your electricity contract to start immediately.
You should notify your present electricity vendor of the termination of your old contract as soon as your moving date is confirmed. The termination date of your old contract should be the date when the removal and final cleaning are completed. If you do not terminate your contract yourself, it will end at the latest when the new customer makes their own contract at the address. If you have terminated your old contract yourself, but the new customer has not made a new contract for the address, the power is cut off at the address.
In most cases, nothing. But if the new occupant has not made their own contract at the property, you will have to pay for their electricity usage until you terminate the contract or the new occupant makes an electricity contract for the address.
When you move house, submit a notification of move and we will continue your fixed-term contract at the new address at the same rates until the end of the contract term. You can submit the notification of move on our form or by calling our phone line for movers on 09-617 8020.
When you submit your notification of move on the form, we will make a contract for your new address corresponding to your current contract.
If you want to switch your electricity product, select the suitable product from our range. Fill in the order form and select the option for moving. You can also call our phone line for movers.
When you have submitted your notification of move on our form and clicked 'Send notification of move', you will end up on a page telling you that your details have been received. When the order has come into force, you will receive a further email notification.
Don't forget these when you move house
In the service provided by Posti, you can notify of your change of address to Posti and the Population Register Centre on one form.
Don't forget to notify the managers of your old and new housing company that you are moving.
Many companies will receive your new address from the Population Information System, but it is advisable to ensure this by submitting a separate notification of change of address to each company. You can check on the website of the Population Register Centre where the notification of change of address will be sent automatically.
Removal companies are always busy at the turn of the month, and therefore it is worth booking them early.
Connecting to the internet at your new home may require a visit by a technician, and therefore it is worth notifying your service provider of your move in good time beforehand.
Make sure that your home insurance cover is sufficient also for your new home.
In a detached home, make sure that you have agreed on water supplies and waste collection. In Helsinki, draw up a contract on district heat deliveries or make sure that you have an appropriate electricity contract.
In housing companies, major renovations must be notified to the manager of the housing company. Painting and decorating is permitted in privately owned apartments, but in rented apartments these must be agreed upon separately with the landlord.