Real estate management electricity
Real Estate Management Electricity is the choice for a professional. With centralised electricity procurement, individual housing and property companies will enjoy the benefits of a major consumer in the electricity wholesale market.
Electricity product options for Real Estate Management Electricity
Portfolio management
Our Portfolio Management Service helps to benefit from the opportunities of the electricity market. We procure electricity from the electricity market in advance on behalf of the customer in accordance with the selected procurement plan. The price level is known well in advance.
Market-priced electricity
Market-priced electricity is a good choice for customers whose electricity usage is normally highest in the evenings and at weekends. Market-priced electricity has transparent tariffs that enable savings in energy costs by shifting consumption to lower-priced hours. The price varies at the import level, Yritys Helen helps in monitoring the energy consumption.
Real Estate Management Electricity is available only for housing management companies. The consumption of metering points must exceed 2 GWh per year.