New solutions on the way towards carbon neutral future

The objective of Helsingin Energia is to reach CO2 neutral energy production by 2050. The Group’s research and development operations support this goal.

Combustion testing continued

In 2013, we carried out comprehensive research concerning the use of pellets in mixture fuel at coal plants. We sent out environmental permit applications for starting the use of pellets in Hanasaari and Salmisaari at the beginning of summer 2013. Towards the end of the year, we launched the construction of a system that enables the use of the pellets in the Salmisaari power plant.

In 2014, the combustion tests will be continued using the second generation of pellets, i.e. torrefaction pellets or steam explosion pellets. In the world’s first research project that covers the whole value chain, we, in cooperation with UPM Kymmene, Valmet and PVO-Lämpövoima, reviewed if wood-based bio-coal is applicable to be used as a fuel in coal power plants in an industrial scale.

Bio gas reviews clearer

We carried out research cooperation with Gasum and MetsäFibre for the bio refinery producing wood-based biogas, intended to be built in Joutseno. The more detailed technological reviews ensured that the project, in regard to environmental impacts and technology, could be implemented, but the financial factors are not in favour of this project in this economic situation.

Smart solutions

“The smart energy systems in Kalasatama” consortium continued the development of the Kalasatama area in cooperation with ABB and Fingrid. In December 2013, we received an offer concerning the storing of electricity. The electricity storage enables the flexible use of an electricity network as an equaliser of production and use, a powerful server and a back-up solution for availability during exceptions. The consortium also signed a contract on delivering a smart building automation solution for the pilot area in Kalasatama.

A Termo system was developed for storage electric heaters, which helps to guide the consumers to use electricity during the more affordable hours. 

Various local heating solutions will be implemented on the gradually progressing Östersundom site by combining various sources of heating. In the future, over 80% of the heating demand of the Sakarinmäki school centre in Östersundom will be provided through renewable forms of energy. The heating solution was granted an honorary mention is Motiva’s “The Renewable Energy Act of Year 2013” competition.

Advances in the development of electronic transport

We took part in several research projects, concerning the development of electronic transport. In December 2013, a national charge operator for electronic transport, Liikennevirta Oy, started its operations. We actively took part in its establishing process.

Distribution of R&D costs

New solutions for
overcoming climate and
environmental challenges
Decreasing current
production emissions

Developing the end
customer products


Developing processes
and making them
more effective

Developing new
business operations
Managing assets 9