About Helen
Helen Ltd’s energy production is awarded as the most efficient in the world. We aim to achieve 100% carbon neutrality in our energy production. We have over 550,000 customers throughout Finland. Our business consists primarily of the production of electricity, district heating and cooling, as well as energy distribution and sales.
District cooling
We produce, distribute and sell district cooling. For properties and users, district cooling is an effortless, reliable and energy-efficient solution that enables comfortable living conditions.
District heating
District heating is a carefree, energy-efficient and economic heating method. That is why it suits all Helsinki residents. District heating is, after all, the most popular heating method in Helsinki by far.
Electricity production and sales
We produce electricity in our cogeneration power plants in Helsinki. We buy nuclear power, hydropower and wind power from the Electricity exchange and sell it to households and businesses.
Electricity network
Helen Sähköverkko Oy is responsible for electricity transmission and distribution in almost the entire Helsinki region.