Environmental financial statements

Environmental balance statement The environmental balance statement describes the costs, investments, liabilities and revenues related to decreasing environmental impacts.

Investments in decreasing emissions

The environmental costs of Helsingin Energia increased slightly, compared to the 18 million euros of the previous year, and were now 20 million euros. Their share of all the costs was 3.4% (3.0%). The amount of environmental costs varies annually, due to development projects, for example.

As in the previous years, the largest environmental costs occurred due to the cleaning of flue gas (6.4 million euros) and the waste management and utilisation of combustion products (3.4 million euros). The industrial emission directive that comes into force in 2016 will increase the costs of air pollution control.

The growth of costs related to the research and development of environmental protection continued. In 2013, 2.2 million euros were allocated towards research and development, which was an increase of 30% (1.7 million euros) from the previous year. The strong growth of research and development operations is due to our development programme, Towards a carbon-neutral future, and the stricter environmental directives.

Investments in air quality and energy information

Environmental investments remained at the same level as the previous year and were 2 million euros. The largest environmental investments of the operating fiscal year were the development of nitrogen removal at power plants (0.8 million euros), the modernisation of heating centres (0.5 million euros) and the renewal of the Energy Gallery in Sähkötalo (0.4 million euros).

Environmental income was cut by almost a half, compared to previous year, and was 0.8 million euros. The higher than average revenue in 2012 was due to the sales of out-of-service machines and devices and scraps.

The environmental liabilities mainly occurred due to the cleaning of polluted ground in the energy area of Hanasaari. These remained the same.

Katso myös Helsingin Energian ohje hybridikytkennästä asiakkaan kaukolämpölaitteiston rinnalle.

1,000 €
change %2012 
1,000 €


Protection of air, soil and surface waters      
   Desulphurisation 5,520  21  4,575 
   Denitrification 572  530 
   Removal of particles 335  335 
   Waste management and
   utilisation of combustion product
3,421  21  2,827 
   Other waste management 747  -9  825 
   Monitoring of emissions and
   environmental impacts
362  27  285 
   Energy-saving advice 1,658  -7  1,787 
   Environmental communication and marketing 623  24  503 
Environmental management and training 1,366  -11  1,539 
Environmental protection research and
2,201  30  1,692 
Noice and vibration abatement
Improvement of eco-efficiency 118  -16  141 
Depreciation on environmental
protection investments
2,870  2,761 


19,797  11  17,800 
   of turnover 2,7%    2,3% 
   of all expenses 3,4%    3,0% 


2,000  -7  2,162 
   of all investments 3,4%    2,9% 


18,800  0 18,800 
  of balance sheet total 1,1%   1,2%


768  -46  1 ,420