Information for customers
We are happy to help in all questions related to district heat. On this page, you will find information about district heating devices, alterations and usage monitoring. Read more about our services and contact us.
Follow your housing company's energy consumption
Yritys Helen is the dedicated customer service portal for all of Helen's housing company customers. By logging into the service, you will get an overview of your energy usage, find your contracts and bills, and easily manage energy-related matters.
As a district heating customer, you will receive a district heating usage report and forecast. The usage report shows the annual actual heat consumption. The forecast also provides an estimate for the next year's heat usage. You can find the usage reports and forecasts in the Yritys Helen portal.
Services for heating customers
Equipment replacement
We offer an expert service on equipment replacement free of charge. The service ensures that the replacement of your district heating equipment is carried out cost-effectively and with the highest quality.
District heating modifications
We carry out modification work on district heating pipes and metering centres on a separate order. Please submit your order concerning modification work by contacting us. We will then contact you as soon as possible to agree on the modification work. We will estimate the price separately in each case.
Equipment inspections
We inspect the installations and equipment of your district heating system as a part of our quality control, at no cost. We carry out equipment inspections for both new buildings and buildings transitioning to district heating.
If you would like more information about equipment inspections and the quality control of district heating system installations, please contact our technical services experts in district heating.