Monthly Heating Home

Monthly Heating Home - reliable, convenient, and clearly priced district heating product for single-family homes.

Reliable heating for every property

Clearly priced Monthly Heat Home is our basic district heating product for all our single-family and consumer customers. District heating is reliable, clearly priced, and convenient to use in properties of all sizes.

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Carefree choice for home and hot water heating

District heating is a reliable, dependable, and convenient heating method that takes care of both your home and your hot water. The lifespan of the district heating system is long, and the system itself is nearly maintenance-free, allowing you to enjoy easy and carefree heating for decades.

You can influence costs of energy with your actions

You can influence costs with your actions

District heating heating costs are clear and predictable when the fixed basic fee is supplemented by the energy price formed according to the property's consumption. By investing in energy efficiency, you can influence the heating costs of your property. Adjust the room temperature, don't waste hot water, ventilate smartly, and replace door and window seals if necessary. Even small actions matter.

Track your energy consumption in Oma Helen

You can easily track your home heating energy consumption via the Oma Helen web service. In the service, you will always find up-to-date consumption information, usage reports for district heating, and predictions for district heating consumption and costs.

Log in to the service using your web browser

Energy price from Jan 1, 2025 (include VAT 25.5%)

January 121.75
February 121.47
March 98.91
April 85.34
May 52.95
June 43.82
July 40.6
August 42.93
September 58.6
October 84.65
November 99.31
December 109.95
  1. Confirmed energy price
  2. Prognosis for energy price

Monthly Heating Home consists of a fixed basic price and an energy price.

Energy price

The energy price is determined by monthly consumption and energy price. The energy price changes every month, and new prices are updated every year on January 1 and July 1. 

The energy price is based on the amount of heat energy used and its price. The more the property is heated and the more hot water is used, the more heating energy is consumed. The energy price is calculated by multiplying this consumption by the energy price of the current month.

Basic price – consumers

The basic price is based on property's usage power, i.e. how much district heating the property consumes on average per year. The property's usage power is based on the average annual consumption of the previous 36 months. For consumer customers whose usage power is over 50 MWh per year, the usage power is based on the highest daily average power.

The basic price is a monthly charge, and its amount will be reviewed once a year. The review will be made after the heating season, and the updated basic price will come into effect on July 1. 

Monthly Heating Home – frequently asked questions

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Usage power is the basis for the basic price. For S, M, and L customers of the Monthly Heating Home product, the usage power is based on the average district heating consumption of the previous three years, and for XL customers, the usage power is the highest daily average power consumption during the November-March period of the last three years. You can see your usage power on the forecast report in Oma Helen.

The energy price accounts for an average of 70% of the total cost for consumers, and the basic price accounts for 30%. In larger properties, the proportion of the usage power charge is slightly smaller.

You can influence your usage power by reducing consumption, for example, by taking care of the heating distribution equipment's condition, the correct setting of the equipment's adjustment curve, and heating consumption habits. District heating energy is used for heating premises and warm water.

Your new basic price will come into effect on January 1, 2024, with the product renewal.

If your basic price level will increase due to the renewal, the new basic price will come into effect on July 1, 2026. The new basic price will be based on the usage power annual review in 2026, so you can affect your new basic price level by reducing district heating consumption at that time.

Usage power describes the average power at which the property has consumed district heating. For a small portion of consumer customers whose usage power is over 50 MWh per year, the usage power is based on the highest daily average power. 

The impact of the product renewal on the price of district heating is minor, but the magnitude of the change varies greatly depending on the customer. For most consumer customers, the product renewal means a change of about -25...+25 € (incl. VAT 24%) in monthly total costs for district heating. Therefore, the change on an annual basis is between a €300 increase and a €300 decrease. We will announce the energy prices for 2024 on November 31, 2023. 

Yes, they are different terms for the same thing. The same applies to units - for example, an average annual consumption of 50 MWh/a is the same as an annual average power of 5.7 kW.