Helen's contact details

Helen Group

09 6171
Call prices and opening hours

Post address
Helen Ltd
00090 HELEN

Business ID


Personal email addresses

Customer service


Contact form

09 617 8080 ​
Mon-Tue and Thu-Fri 9-17​

24/7 phone line for movers
09 617 8020

Billing advice
09 617 8040
Mon-Fri 9-17
In the billing advice telephone service, you can deal with payment issues and postpone bill payment dates. You can also arrange reconnections of electricity that has been disconnected due to unpaid electricity bills. Please note that we are unable to deal with contract-related issues in the billing advice telephone service.

Call prices and opening hours

Power plants

Salmisaari power plant
Porkkalankatu 9–11, 00180 Helsinki

Vuosaari power plant
Käärmeniementie 6–8, 00980 Helsinki

Information security and data protection

Information security

Send email
Read more

Data protection / GDPR

Send email

Media contacts

We serve media on the following phone number. If you are a media representative, you can also send us email.

040 148 9064
(On weekdays at 9-16)

For media only

Please note that we only respond to media contacts through our media phone line and email address. You can find our customer service contact information here.