Helen starts collaborative works on the heating and cooling network in Kamppi
As from 23 June 2020, Helen will be building a new cooling network and modernising a section of the existing heating network in Kamppi. The worksite will be implemented between Eteläinen Rautatiekatu - Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu – Runeberginkatu.
For the duration of the entire worksite, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu will be closed to vehicle traffic between Fredrikinkatu and Runeberginkatu. The worksite will also have impacts on HSL bus services: more detailed information is available at www.hsl.fi/en.
The works will mainly be carried out on weekdays between 7am and 7pm, and information on exceptional working hours will be provided separately.
The worksite will be implemented in two phases. The first phase will start on 23 June, and it will be completed by 15 August. The worksite will be located between Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 10 and Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 23. The challenge of the first phase will be crossing the pedestrian and cycling path Baana: for the duration of the worksite, Baana will be protected in order to prevent inconvenience or hazard to its users.
The second phase of the worksite will be started immediately after the completion of the first phase. The street works will be finalised after both phases have been completed. The worksite is scheduled for completion by 15 October 2020.
We apologise for any disturbance caused by the worksite.