How to register as a business
To register in the service, you need your personal banking codes, a valid email address and the customer number and metering point number for electricity, or the district heating owner number and metering point number.
How to register in the service
Choose Register now.

Choose Business / Electricity or Business / Heating.

1. Authentication
Step 1, Bank authentication: Select your bank from the list and use your banking codes for authentication.

Frequently asked questions about authentication
Our services contain confidential customer information, and therefore we want to guarantee that this information is safe and the service is reliable. You only need to use your online banking codes when you use the service for the first time. After registration, you will log in to the services with your email address and password.
The consumption data of business customers must also be kept confidential. A business IDs are public information, it cannot be used for authentication. Therefore, business customers will also need to identify themselves with their own online banking codes and after that enter the details about their company. After registration, you will log in to the services with your own email address and password.
If you cannot find your own bank on the registration page, please contact our customer services on 09 617 8080 and we will do the registration on your behalf.
2. Check your details and add the details of the company
Step 2, User details 1/2: Check your personal identity code and fill in either the metering point and owner numbers of district heating customers or the customer and metering point numbers of electricity customers. This information is found on the district heating or electricity bill. Fill in the details and select ‘Next’.
Step 3, User details 2/2: The form has been pre-completed with your details from Helen’s customer data system, and you can edit them if necessary. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory. In future, your email address is your username.
Please note that changes made in connection with registration only apply to the online services. To notify us of actual changes in your contact details, please send a message to our customer services or call us on 09 617 8080.
Step 4, Confirmation: Check the details and select ‘Accept’.

Frequently asked questions about passwords
- at least 10 characters
- at least one digit
- at least one upper case letter
- at least one lower case letter
- the password must not contain three of the same characters in the same order as in the user’s name or email address.
3. Registration is complete
You have now successfully registered as a user of our online services.
A notification of your successful registration will be sent to the email address you provided.
You can log in to the online service by selecting ‘Go to the service selection’.