News / 8.9.2015

A possibility for Helsinki residents to have an impact on renewable district heat production

Helen is the first company in Finland to offer its district heating customers living in apartments the possibility to have an impact on the energy source of district heat.

With his/her choice, the customer contributes to the use of renewable energy in Helsinki.

”Helen’s goal is carbon dioxide-neutral energy production. Our new service supports the achievement of this objective. At the same time, it makes it possible for the individual resident living in an apartment to contribute to the use of renewable energy in Helsinki,” Product Manager Anni Sarvaranta from Helen explains.

A large number of Helsinki homes are heated throughout the year by district heating. In the future, a Helsinki household will be able to determine the part of home-heating that will be based on renewable energy sources. In addition to this, Helen pledges to double the amount of purchased renewable district heat in its own production. The share of renewable energy sources will thereby grow also on the basis of the choices made by customers.

The renewable district heat to be sold to residents will be produced using wood pellets. Pellets are made of cutter chips or other forest industry by-products. The wood pellets used by Helen are Finnish, and their origin must be traceable. Helen produces renewable district heat also by recycling heat from waste water as well as by recovering it from solar- and human-heated buildings.


  • A total of 2,000 kWh of currently-in-production, renewable district heat produced using wood pellets is reserved annually for the customer.
  • 2,000 kWh corresponds to approximately 20% of the average annual heat consumption of an apartment dweller in Helsinki.
  • Helen will double the customer’s purchased amount and will replace 4,000 kWh of the existent district heat production with renewable energy sources during the year following the purchase and each year after that.
  • The price of the service is €3.40/month/customer (VAT 24%).
  • The price is based on the extra charge for renewable energy sources added to the normal price for district heat. The customer therefore pays for switching the energy source to renewables based on the amount of energy s/he has purchased.
  • The possibility of making a difference is offered to all Helsinki households connected to district heating.
  • The renewable district heating acquired by the customer from Helen will have no impact on the district heating contract of the residential property concerned.

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