Helen’s customers are saving more electricity than ever
Helen’s customers are taking energy saving seriously according to a comparison carried out by Helen’s Data and AI unit. Especially customers who have signed up for Exchange Electricity have stepped up their energy-saving measures in the course of the winter.
Electricity consumption among Helen’s customers in January fell by a staggering 15 per cent on average compared to the same period last year. Especially households did really well in the energy-saving campaign, shaving 16 per cent off their consumption. Businesses achieved a four per cent saving. At the national level, electricity usage fell by five per cent in January. All figures are temperature-corrected in order to be comparable to last year and its colder conditions.
Energy saving and cutting unnecessary consumption are the most effective ways to ensure that there is enough electricity in all situations. Energy-saving measures are particularly important during consumption peaks when there might even be a risk of electricity shortage.
“Electricity saving has been highest among Exchange Electricity customers, but other customer groups have also taken up the challenge with increasing enthusiasm over the past months. When we last carried out a comparison of energy consumption data in September 2022, mainly customers who had signed up to Exchange Electricity excelled in the energy-saving measures, while others continued their usage more or less in the same way as before,” says Tuomas Teuri, Chief Digital Officer at Helen.
Electricity consumption by customers who have signed up for Exchange Electricity was down by 15 per cent in September, 20 per cent in October, 26 per cent in November, 31 per cent in December and 28 per cent in January in comparison to the same period in the previous year. Figures for December and January are temperature-corrected.
“Finns’ interest in energy consumption and saving electricity is astounding. While consumption has fallen significantly, the volume of using digital services every day has grown five-fold. We are extremely happy that customers have discovered our constantly developing digital services, by which we aim to help their everyday lives. We encourage our customers to make use of our digital channels, such as Oma Helen, also in the future,” Teuri says.
The number of users of Oma Helen service aimed at consumers multiplied during 2022, and well over half of Helen’s customers have already signed up for the service. At the end of the year, the Oma Helen mobile app had an average of 38,000 daily users, and the number of users of the browser version is also growing fast.
With Oma Helen, users can review their own energy consumption at the hourly, daily, weekly and annual levels, and also with a longer range. The service also provides data on, for example, the days of the week with the highest electricity usage. Last year, we launched the Yritys Helen service for business and housing company customers. Yritys Helen is a handy tool, e.g. for keeping contracts and invoices in one place, and it also provides detailed energy usage data.