Review of 2019
Planning of a new bioenergy heating plant starts
Helen decided to initiate the planning of a new bioenergy heating plant to be built in Vuosaari. At the same time, it was possible to confirm the closing of the Hanasaari power plant after the necessary solutions to replace heat production were secured.

A heat pump that utilises sea water as heat sources
Helen will build a heat pump in connection with the Vuosaari power plant, utilising the power plant’s own cooling water circulation and the heat of sea water as heat sources. A heat pump of this scale utilising the heat of the sea water is unique in Finland. Construction will start in 2020, and the new heat pump will be commissioned in 2022.
Helen partners up with Helsinki Olympic Stadium
Helen became a partner of the Helsinki Olympic Stadium with a common objective of improving energy efficiency. New environment- and energy-friendly solutions are introduced at the Olympic Stadium, which is undergoing modernisation.

A new virtual battery to solar panel customers
Helen launched a new virtual battery service to solar panel buyers. The virtual battery is a step towards a new kind of cleaner energy production, in which Helen’s customers are also taking part.
Finland’s first worksite cyclist started
Finland’s first worksite cyclist started work on his bicycle. Helen’s summer employee developed interaction between worksites of the electricity and heating network and the traffic arrangements for pedestrians and cyclists.

Excess heat from Kilpilahti was studied
The first phase of the study on excess heat in Kilpilahti was completed. In Kilpilahti, the Neste and Borealis Polymers production plants produce a substantial amount of low-temperature excess heat, the utilisation of which has not been possible until now. The excess heat of Kilpilahti could meet about a quarter of the district heating demand of the entire Helsinki region.
Plenty of new electric vehicle charging points
The City of Helsinki and Helen agreed on the delivery of a total of 59 new electric vehicle charging points in the Helsinki city centre. As a result, the number of public charging points in the city increased to over a hundred, and it is now even easier for motorists in Helsinki to be green drivers.

Excess heat of a coffee roastery to be utilized
Helen and Paulig launched a joint excess heat utilisation pilot at the Vuosaari coffee roastery. A new technical solution enables recovery of excess heat in quantities sufficient to cover the annual heat demand of 1,000 one-bedroom apartments. The recycling of excess heat generated by the production processes of the food industry to be utilised in the district heating network is unique in the Helsinki region.
Solar plant was opened in Messukeskus
In August, Messukeskus Helsinki and Helen Ltd opened one of the largest solar power plants in Helsinki on the hall roofs of the Messukeskus Expo and Convention Centre. The solar power plant started operation at the end of August and the beginning of September 2019. The construction of an extension also started at the same time.

A new trainee programme was started
In sales, a new type of trainee programme was launched in September. Helen is aiming for strong growth through new energy solutions, and the sales organisation is being strengthened with the trainee programme.
Helen Ventures aims to accelerate the industry
Helen launched the new Helen Ventures investment with an aim to speed up the shift in the energy sector together with start-up partners. Helen Ventures is a strategic investor, which supports growth companies reforming the energy sector. Helen is investing about 50 million euros during the first five years.

A city refinery is developed
A unique city refinery is developed in Vuosaari in a joint project between Helen, Lassila & Tikanoja and VTT. Launched in 2019, the project pursues utilisation of materials and energy according to the circular economy. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment granted energy aid of EUR 7.9 million to Helen for the investment.
Helen sold the natural gas sales and distribution
Helen sold the natural gas sales and distribution business to Suomen Kaasuenergia on 31 December 2019. The divested business has five corporate customers in Helsinki.